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Sculpsure Specialist

Thomas McHugh, MD -  - Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

McHugh Plastic Surgery

Thomas McHugh, MD

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon located in The Woodlands, TX

When you have stubborn fat on your hips or abdomen that won’t budge no matter how much time you spend in the gym, there’s an easy, non-surgical treatment that can help. Thomas J. McHugh, MD, PLLC, offers SculpSureⓇ, an innovative fat removal procedure that eliminates fat that’s resistant to diet and exercise. At McHugh Plastic Surgery in the Woodlands, Texas, Dr. McHugh can eliminate up to 25% of fat in your trouble areas. Contact the office today to see if you’re a candidate for SculpSure. Call to schedule your appointment or book it online.

Sculpsure Q & A

What is SculpSure?

SculpSure is an innovative form of body contouring that results in permanent fat reduction. Using a specially designed laser light, SculpSure targets diet and exercise-resistant fat.

The laser light penetrates fat cells and damages their integrity, ultimately destroying them. The body then removes these cells, leaving a smoother, more contoured shape. Because your body doesn’t replace the fat cells, the results are permanent.

SculpSure is designed to be used in multiple parts of the body, including your:

  • Stomach
  • Love handles
  • Back
  • Inner thighs
  • Outer thighs

How Does SculpSure Work?

When Dr. McHugh performs a SculpSure procedure, he begins by fitting you with a belt and frames that hold the device in place. Once the treatment begins, you may experience a cooling sensation on your skin or a deep tingling or warmth. That feeling is normal and doesn’t cause any discomfort.

After about 25 minutes, Dr. McHugh removes the frames and belt, and you’re able to return to your regular daily activities, making it a perfect procedure to have done during your lunch break.

Because the body must process the dead cells, results are noticeable in six weeks, with optimal results in four months. For the best results, Dr. McHugh may recommend multiple treatments.

Is SculpSure Safe?

Yes, SculpSure eliminates stubborn fat safely and efficiently. However, it's not recommended for reducing size or weight; it's designed for those who are close to their ideal weight.

A non-surgical and non-invasive procedure, SculpSure is pain-free and requires no downtime. It has minimal risks and side effects, and as soon as the treatment is over, you can return to your regular, day-to-day activities.

If you want to see if you’re a candidate for SculpSure and finally get rid of that stubborn fat for good, contact McHugh Plastic Surgery. Now, you can finally get the body you’ve worked so hard for. Call the office today or schedule your appointment easily online now.

What we offer

Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Services